
ReNeu xSlim

ReNeu xSlim

Min Order Limit: 1  
Total Price : RM299.00

Exclusive Anti-Aging Formula「Five-Colors Nutrition Extract」

  • White (Gold) - White Kidney Bean Extract, L-Arabinose, L-Carnitine, Tricalcium Phosphate
  • Red (Fire) - Sakura Extract, Pomogrante
  • Green (Wood) - Enduracell®, Green Tea Extract, Garcinia Cambogia Extract
  • Yellow (Earth) - Fibersol®-2, Sinetrol®, GliSODin® Superoxide Dismutase
  • Black (Water) - Mulberry, Blueberry, Grapeseed Extract, Konjac

Serving Suggestion :
Tear open sachet and mix with 300-500ml of water. Serve within 3 hours. Take 1-2 sachets a day.